Genre: Distopia/Action/Adventure
Released: September 14th 2008
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Rapunzels Opinion:
Spoiler Alerts are written in purple and when the spoiler is over i have put a note in blue.
So I want to start this review by saying that I adored this book but not the series. The premise of the Hunger Games is one made up of brilliance and i adored Katniss. But the whole series? Not so much. The reason for this is both Gale and Peeta.
(*Spoiler Alert*)
I ship KatnissXGale and the fact that she ends up with Peeta just bothers me. And for so long time and so much I can not stress it enough. I would not have even minded Finnik that much just not Peeta. I mean his special talent is 'camoflage' (Scary). Anyway lets not get bogged down in that
(*Spoiler over*)
But once I put all of that aside -very hard- I was able to fully appreciate how wonderful the rest of the characters where and how much I had enjoyed the actual story line.
Katniss really was a wonderful character to have the story told from. As you would know from my previous review I like my characters strong and Katniss fit that bill while being very original. One of my favourite scenes in the book where this is really demonstrated is after the TV interview and they are 'discussing' (more like yelling) about Peeta declaring his love for Katniss. Sure she is unhappy at first but after that she manages to put her pettiness aside and look at the big picture. She never annoyed me by getting dragged down by her problems but just gave them thought and then put them aside until a later time.
(*Spoiler Alert*)
And when rue died, I was so upset (for me a real trophy to the story and how much I liked these character) and this was despite that fact that someone -names shall not be named- told me she died.
(*Spoiler over*)
When I was reading the book the whole time she was actually inside the games I spent it on the edge of my seat. I put this down to Suzanne Collins engrossing writing and the story line. I would practically anyone who likes a good book with action, a badass heroine, amazing story line and a smidge of romance.
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