Saturday 14 April 2012

Jamie/Jace Rumours Quietened by Cassandra Clare

Rumours have been circulating around the web saying that Jamie has been taken off the role of Jace in City of Bones Movie. Cassandra Clare has posted dispelling these rumours.

Because my ask box is crazy full of questions about this — yes, there have a few (well, one that I know of) articles saying Jamie Campbell-Bower isn’t attached to the City of Bones movie any more.

Jamie is perplexed.
I was perplexed by the rumors as well but I wanted to take the time to check them out completely; I knew they were negotiating Jamie’s contract, but I can tell you after major thorough checking — yes, 100% he is Jace; Lily is ecstatic, I am, the whole team at Constantin is; Jamie has a trainer, he’s been working out six days a week and drinking protein shakes and by all tales told to me looks terrific.
Soon he will look like this.

[i am JUST KIDDING. This will not happen. Breathe.] Here’s Jamie actually talking about his training regimen at 8:50 in this video: 

Stephanie, our casting director, is actively casting the rest of the roles — that means auditions, lists of actors, the whole shebang; I got a peek at some lists and was really excited. You never know how things will shake out, but there were some great actors suggested. I’m excited they’re going to audition.
In sum: Jamie is Jace, nothing has changed, sometimes there are weird rumors on the Internet, I try to be there for you to confirm or deny when I can — if I don’t answer right back it’s because I don’t know and I’m checking.

Posted by Rapunzel

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