Monday, 7 November 2011

Rapture (Fallen 4# ) by Lauren Kate Cover Reveal

The Rapture cover had just been released and here it is. Personally I love it. Much better than passion, maybe even my favourite over fallen.

Posted by Rapunzel


  1. I cannot wait for this book to come out! I love this series and have been a fan since the beginning! Lauren Kate if you read this, I think you are a fantastic author and I look forward to reading more of your books because you make your characters come alive while telling an amazing story! This series is one of my all time favorites and I am looking forward to the next book! p.s. the cover is amazing! And I agree that this is the best cover so far!

  2. Im very excited too. I enjoyed the first in the series but then after hearing about the cliffhanger at the end of the 2nd decided to wait for the third. That has now come out and I am determined to get around the finishing the series soon.
    Also if you have not please vote on our polls for the next book of the month. It would be much appreciated.

    Thanks very much for commenting.

    Rapunzel, x
